Campus Ministry



Seek faith and prayer through our fellowships.

Let Campus Ministry lead you to the fellowship that best fits you. Click on each to learn more information.


Bible Study Banner

Bible Study

There are several Bible Studies taking place throughout campus. View our calendar for a list of Bible Studies offered throughout the week.




An internationally renowned organization, CRU is passionate about connecting people to Jesus Christ.  


CRU meets Mondays 7:00 p.m. in the Immaculate Conception Chapel to praise and worship God.



CRU’s Purpose is helping to fulfill the Great Commission in the power of the Holy Spirit by winning people to faith in Jesus Christ, building them in their faith and sending them to win and build others; and helping the Body of Christ do evangelism and discipleship.



Eucharistic Adoration

Eucharistic Adoration is the opportunity to pray to Jesus truly present in the Eucharist.

At the Last Supper, Jesus instituted the Eucharist and said "this is my body given up for you." Jesus is present with us as we worship before Him in the Eucharist.

"Looking into a sunset, the face takes on a golden glow. Looking at the Eucharistic Lord for an hour transforms the heart in a mysterious way as the face of Moses was transformed after his companionship with God on the mountain." - Archbishop Fulton Sheen

Eucharistic Adoration

Eucharistic Adoration takes place in the Immaculate Conception Chapel


Tuesday, 1-4 p.m.

Wednesday 12:30-4 p.m.

Thursday from 1-4 p.m.

Also, at Praise and Worship on Tuesday evenings at 8:30 pm in the Immaculate Conception Chapel.


FIRE Starters

FIRE Starters is a Confirmation retreat team, consisting of college students, lay ministers, and Franciscan friars.

This group offers retreats that include praise and worship, prayer, drama, skits, faith sharing activities, games, Mass and Confession.

For more information on the program contact Denise Farabaugh at 814.472.3172 or

FIRE Starters



FOCUS is a Catholic collegiate outreach whose mission is to share the hope and joy of the gospel with college and university students. 

Trained in Church teaching, prayer, sacred Scripture, evangelization and discipleship, FOCUS missionaries encounter students in friendship where they are, inviting them into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and accompanying them as they pursue lives of virtue and excellence. Through Bible studies, outreach events, mission trips and discipleship, missionaries inspire and build up students in the faith, sending them out to spread the good news and to live out the Great Commission: Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations (Mt. 28:19).


The FOCUS office is located in Campus Ministry Room 5


Henry Love:
Matthew Selba, Kelly Burns
Hannah Composeo, Gracie Pilewski



Knight of Columbus

If you believe in the importance of investing your time in friendship, the Church, and helping others, the Knights of Columbus is for you. The K of C is an organization of Catholic men, 18 years of age and older. 


These men derive a great sense of satisfaction from being able to develop lasting friendships with each other while helping the less fortunate.


Every day, the K of C provides its members the opportunity to discover the importance of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism to our country and the world

Knights of Columbus


Praise and Worship

Praise and Worship - Tuesday Night Praise

Praise and Worship

This event takes place Tuesday evenings in the Immaculate Conception Chapel from 8:30 pm - 9:30 pm. Praise and Worship - Tuesday Night Praise includes praise, music, Eucharistic Adoration, and opportunities for confession.


SFU Respect Life Club

As a leading group on campus the SFU Respect Life Club works to make changes for those on campus and those in our local communities.


Our SFU Respect Life Club meets once per week and runs various pro-life events such as a fundraising for a local pregnancy center, participating in the March for life, leading prayer events for an end to abortion and running various other prolife activities.

SFU Respect Life Club Logo

Christian-Athlete Outreach (CAO)

A group of like-minded individuals who are trying to integrate faith into their sport and life! The mission of CAO is to spread the word of the Lord to anyone looking for guidance through their life! Whether you have been walking in your faith for a little while, or aren't quite sure what to make of faith, you are welcome here!


CAO meets every Thursday night in the Stokes Twyman Room from 9-10pm